Purple, Red, Yellow, and Black Paper, Black Pen, 9” x 4.5”
Text (Handwritten): Jason Miears, #1729946, Robertson Unit, 12071 F.M 3522, Abilene TX 79601
Supreme Court Cases benefiting prisoners
Lafler v. Cooper 132 S.C.T. 1376 (2012) - Established IAC Claim Conserning plea bargains
Martinez c. Ryan 132 S.C.T. 1309 (2012)- Post conviction appeals are excused from a prodedural default; if no counsel.
Trevino v. Thaler 122S.ct 524 (2013) - Same* for Texas, Right to effective counsel in post conviction appeals.
McQuiggin c. Perkins 133 S.CT1924 (2013) - Bare innocence claim exception to AEOPA
Brown v. Plate 131 S.Ct1910 (2011) - Mandating California reduce prison population
*Most of these cases help circumvent the AEAPA which was signed in 1995 to handle prisoners in court
Flying over my cell I see the Bright sun, There is hope on the Horizon, As I dream night after night, I am prepared to fight, With a stroke of the pen the law will change!