White Paper, Typed. 8.5” x 3.25”
Text (Typed): James Hargett #1230998, Estelle Unit, 264 FM RD 3478, Huntsville, TX, 77320
July 4, 2013
Dear James,
I am writing this missive so that the importance of it can be seen through the eyes of the read. I may ask myself what is of importance in my life inspite of where I am at and the egative impact that being one of the many incarcerated brings to my daily life as a confined individual. As we all know there are many, many things that are to be considered important in ones life like food, water, shelter, but those things are more of a necessity the something of a desire. Something that I consider important in my life is corresponding with others outside these fences and walls that seperate our worlds. Being able to share ideas as well as inspire someone is a gift that few realize just how persful words can be. Words spoken of encouragement can have a monumental effect in ones life. All that is needed is for that one spark to bring on change in ones life for the betterment of the indiviual. When we talk to epople through letters we bring hope to those that may be down trodden or have despair in their lives. The feeling of being left behid is a horrible feeling, its like knocking on a door that no one will ever answer, but we keep on knocking in hopes that by the grace of God someone will finally open that door and welcome us on in. It is said that the product of insanity is doing the samething over and over again expecting different results only to find that we are back where we started. I dont want to become that product of insanity and hope day after day that someone will write even if just to say hello. Many have come where I have followed to the point of where I am at right now. So many men come through these prisons not having anyone out there to write due to some discrepancy or another, many will nevr get a visit other then the inmates that say hello to them daily. Society has written us off and discarded us as menaces and unfit to live in a world that we were once part off. Only the memories that each of us hold in our hearts keep us going to hope for a better tomorrow and the dreams of someone writing just to give that spark we all crave so much. That sprak for some will never come and its sad to see men wither into old age still hoping for that spark that has been rumored to be at the end of that long tunnel, but no matter how old they still hope. Maybe someday old jerry age 86 or mark with a fresh life sentence age 19 will finally get that letter that will give them that spark, even if it is just for a little while. As I ask myself what is important to me I look around and see men that will never see the light of day ever again and say to myself, to not be forgotten that is what is important to me!